NMU Police Department

Change-In-Use/Moves And/Or Renovation/Remodeling Project Policy

Change-In-Use/Moves And/Or Renovation/Remodeling Project Policy

To ensure adherence to all applicable federal, state regulations and NMU policies for new construction, renovation, remodeling and personnel office moves.

This policy applies to all university departments.

It is the policy of Northern Michigan University that any department wanting to make a change to the department's use of facilities including space assignments, moves, renovation of existing facilities or installation/modification of equipment which requires a change to building systems must submit a Change-in-Use request with division head signature to Engineering and Planning for approval.






Whereas a university department plans to make a change in the department's use of physical plant facilities (this includes room changes, renovating existing facilities or the installation/modification of equipment which requires changes to building systems) the department must:

Submit a "Change-in-Use" form (located here) to The Engineering and Planning Department.
This requires the requesting department's division head approval.

Engineering and Planning Reviews the "Change-in-Use" form and:

Identifies Building Modifications
Updates Facilities Database
Informs Master Plan Committee of any changes in use of facility to ensure compliance with the Master Plan

If plan does not require any building modifications, and is consistent with the University Master Plan and applicable codes, Engineering and Planning will notify the department to proceed and the following steps do not apply.

If required, Engineering and Planning will develop a cost estimate for building modifications.

Requesting department identifies funding source.

Engineering and Planning develops specifications and plans and coordinates all necessary code reviews.

Project turned over to Plant Operations for completion or to Business Services for contractor bids.


Date Approved:3-31-2000
Last Revision:3-1-2019
Last Reviewed:3-1-2019
Approved By:President
Attached form file: CHANGE in Use Form.docx