Below is a list of contacts during furloughs for the Division of Extended Learning and Community Engagement. This list is current as of June 10, 2020. Should any contact information change, an updated version will be posted. 


Unit Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Department of Technology and Occupational Science Bob Eslinger (2212) Mindy Nannestad (6766)
Invent @NMU Main Office Extension (6253) Mindy Nannestad (6766)
Continuing Education and Workforce Development Stephanie Zadroga-Langlois (1683) Bob Eslinger (2212)
Northern Center for Lifelong Learning Stephanie Zadroga-Langlois (1683) Bob Eslinger (2212)
Upper Peninsula Cybersecurity Institute Doug Miller (1358) Stephanie Zadroga-Langlois (1683)
International Programs Diana Vreeland (2925) Lila Isleib (2503)
College of Technology and Occupational Sciences Bob Eslinger (2212) Mindy Nannestad (6766)
Global Campus Brad Hamel (2589) Mindy Nannestad (6766)
Corporate Engagement Dave Nyberg (2647) Mindy Nannestad (6766)
Division of Extended Learning and Community Engagement  Mindy Nannestad (6766) Steve VandenAvond (6767)