A call for nominations was issued and we received over 125. The Coordinating Committee selected the members of the Task Forces. The members of the Facilitation Team were assigned because of their campus duties.

Yes. Informational Sessions have been held for faculty and staff, and the Academic and Support Task Forces have been named. The membership lists of both Task Forces can be found under the Working Groups link. The general timeline can be found on the Timeline link to the left or by going to: https://www.nmu.edu/sra/timeline 

The following 4 programs have been suspended for at least 4 years and will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for termination this year:

  • Accounting/Financial Planning BS
  • Public Management Graduate Certificate
  • Applied Child Development AS
  • Early Childhood BS
  • Child Care Services Minor

Thank you for your suggestion. The Coordinating Committee was polled about your suggestion and all were in agreement that the name of the website and project should be changed to "Strategic Resource Allocation" (SRA). The website and all further communications will reflect this change.

To find the most up to date list of programs that will be reviewed please go to the Resources page. Listed on this page under "Documents" there is an Excel file for the Academic programs and the Service/Support programs. Each file lists programs overall and by department. If you have any issues opening these files, please contact Beth Roberts at betrober@nmu.edu.

The term "co-champion" originated with Larry Goldstein, the consultant for the project overall. He titles the two leading people from the campus for the Strategic Resource Allocation project "co-champions" instead of co-chairs, but we have used co-chairs interchangeably with this term. 

The Connect statement about the 4 programs was referring to 4 programs have been recommended to phase out and have been on the suspension list for 4 years. These programs are listed under the FAQ area here

The SRA process will still be reviewing all university programs as part of this process. The programs - both academic and service/support - that are being reviewed as part of the SRA process are listed on the Resources page under the "Documents" heading.

Although external grants may not be directly funded by the University, these programs still utilize University resources. Any grant program that we have on campus still utilizes the work of a faculty/staff grant administrator(s), the space used on campus, and any associated experiences offered to students through the grant. The SRA process will not be aiming to negatively review anything; the process is designed to assess whether the resources that are allocated to each program - in the form of labor, space, and monies - are providing a benefit to the University at large. If not, it will be evaluated (based on the template) whether more or less resources should be allocated to it (ie, another administrator or more space, or conversely less space). The grant fund totals themselves, because they are external, will not be reassigned or otherwise changed.

The co-chairs of each task force anticipate completing the SRA process sometime this May.  The reports and recommendations from the process will be posted on the SRA website at which time comments and further input will be possible for a minimum of two weeks.  Electronic access to the reports and the ability to comment is available to the campus community regardless of whether someone is on campus or not.

The provost, Kerri Schuiling and CFO, Gavin Leach meet biweekly with the co-chairs of both task forces. Updates therefore are based on information from those meetings. The 'completed in May' referred to the task forces having their work, which includes the assessments and assigning programs to quintiles and final recommendations, being done in late May. As of this week, that date has been moved back by 60 days for the Academic Task Force. The revised completion of the Academic Task Force's work is now Friday July 13th at 5pm. This changed schedule gives the members of the Academic TF more time to complete their work as they have more reports to review.

The Support Task Force has completed their work. No recommendations are put forth until both of the task forces have completed their work. At that time the reports, templates and recommendations will be posted on the SRA website.

Absolutely all contracts will be respected and this includes both AAUP and NMUFA processes for academic programs such as EPC and Senate or full review by NMUFA.