News for NMU Employees

Rochester Inducted into MATS Hall of Fame

Julie Rochester (Health and Human Performance) was inducted into the Michigan Athletic Trainers’ Society (MATS) Hall of Fame on June 6 in Ypsilanti. It is the highest award granted by MATS and recognizes certified athletic trainers (ATC) for activities, contributions and/or service which contribute to the enhancement of the profession of athletic training in the state of Michigan.

“This is very humbling and I am grateful for the recognition,” she said. “The best part for me is that a group of my students as well as former and current colleagues were involved in the nomination process.”

Rochester is a professor and director of NMU’s athletic training education program. She serves as the university’s faculty athletic representative to the NCAA and has chaired the NMU Athletic Council. She is adviser for the NMU Student Athletic Trainer Organization, which she founded, and oversees athletic training services for NMU Intercollegiate Athletics.

Her service to the profession has been recognized with several other honors. In 2011, Rochester was presented the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers’ Association (GLATA) Golden Pinnacle Award.  She was honored by GLATA previously with its Dedicated Service Award, a “Paving the Way, GLATA Celebrates 40 years of Women in Athletic Training” Award and Captain of the Great Lakes Award. She is also a past recipient of the MATS Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award. Rochester is currently serving as the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) District 4 Director.