
Randall Jensen and Phil Watts (HPER) recently co-authored publications:

"Impact of seated and standing bicycle riding position on subsequent running performance" in the International Journal of Exercise Science. Jensen wrote this with former NMU graduate student Brendan Ewers and colleagues he worked with while on sabbatical at the University of Limerick.

"Jaw clenching results in concurrent activation potentiation during the countermovement jump" and "Bilateral facilitation and laterality during the countermovement jump Perceptual and Motor Skills" in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Jensen wrote this with former NMU graduate student William Eben and Eamonn Flanagan, a visiting researcher at NMU from the University of Limerick.

"Modeling oxygen uptake during V1 treadmill roller skiing: in the International Journal of Exercise Science. Jensen and Watts are co-authors along with former graduate student Robert Bowen and Jenny Ryan, who collected some data while a grad student and is now assistant Nordic ski coach.

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Updated: February 20, 2009

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