The following is a list of the 9 funded COPS Internal Grants Program for Scholarship Recipients:
  1. Drs. Timothy Hilton and Cornell DeJong
    Sociology and Social Work Department
    “Homeless in God’s Country: An exploratory study of coping strategies among homeless adults in the Upper Peninsula”
  2. Dr. Randall Jensen
    Department of Health, Physical Education & Recreation
    “The integration of scholarship within the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports conference”
  3. Dr. Dale Kapla
    Department of Criminal Justice
    “Training working dogs: Current policies, trends and techniques”    
  4. Professor James Zeigler, MA. CCC-SLP
    Clinical Laboratory Science Department, Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences
    “Creating a speech-language interactive and virtual client clinic, student learning center and functional anatomic model of speech-voice mechanism, and family/patient education source in the virtual world Second Life”
  5. Professor Julie Rochester, MS, ATC
    Department of Health, Physical Education & Recreation
    “Injury Evaluation and Care Clinic enhancement and growth project: Emphasis on service to youth athletic programs in the Marquette area”
  6. Drs. Bitsy Wedin and Sheri Giordana
    School of Nursing
    “Service-learning outcomes of the recipient population: Does intra-disciplinary mentoring among nursing students reduce anxiety in the beginning nursing student?"
  7. Dr. “Alex” Kristin Carroll
    Sociology and Social Work Department
    “Ritual landscape legacies and the negotiation of identity and tourism among indigenous Peruvian populations”
  8. Professor Daryl Delongchamp
    Department of Technology and Occupational Sciences, Construction Management Program
    “Study of residential builders prelicensure education course and sponsorship”
  9. Professor Joe Lubig
    School of Education, Leadership and Public Service
    “Student teaching with the technology with which we were taught”