News for NMU Employees

Board Salutes Outgoing Trustees

The NMU board honored outgoing trustees Stephen Adamini and Gilbert Ziegler, whose terms expire at the end of December. Each received a resolution highlighting their distinguished service to the university. For more information on this and other action from today’s meeting, read the Full Story.

“It’s been quite a ride and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it,” Adamini said. “Not that the road didn’t have some bumps in it, but of all associations I’ve had with government, this has been the most rewarding. The greatest moment for me was serving on the presidential search committee. I’ve met so many wonderful people through this. I’ve known Tami Seavoy for so many years and couldn’t think of a better person to fill my place on the board. This university will be well-served by her and Bob [Mahaney].”

Gil Ziegler served two non-consecutive terms on the board: “It doesn’t seem possible that it was in 1956 that I came to Northern as a student from St. Ignace. I’ve served 14 years on the alumni board and 16 years on this board. But his is not the end of my involvement with Northern. You just don’t divorce yourself from a love of this place. I wish that we could have done more with four-year graduation rates. Please work on that, and also keeping tuition and the total cost of higher education down. Make sure it’s affordable for everyone, not just the very wealthy or very poor. Make sure the middle class can come to Northern and have the same opportunity I had.”

The board also approved the following formal recommendations:

-Appoint Robert Kinney to the board of North Star Academy with a term expiring June 30;

-Grant emeritus status to the following: Gwen Hetler, professor of mathematics; Peggy House, professor of mathematics; and Harvey Wallance, dean of the College of Health Sciences and Professional Studies.   

-Provide the administration with authority to charge a differential rate that is at or below existing published rates for the English Language Institute courses;

-Appoint the NMU president “head” of the public body for FOIA appeal purposes.

-Accept external gifts of property to the university valued at about $105,000;

-Appoint trustees Scott Holman and Steve Mitchell as ex officio members of NMU Foundation Board of Trustees