
NMU faculty and staff members gave presentations at The Institute, a conference on service-learning and civic engagement sponsored by Michigan Campus Compact. Pictured are (from left) Paul Duby, Katherine Stelmaszek, Joe Lubig, David Bonsall, Derek Anderson, Charles Ganzert and Michael Andary.

The presentation titles and descriptions follow:

"Building a Better Community (Literally!): NMU Construction Management Classes at Work," by Michael Andary (Technology and Applied Sciences). This presentation focused on construction management programs and their ability to provide some of the most visible and necessary services to surrounding communities. The degree of involvement and responsibility for the student teams result in uncommon and exciting civic opportunities rarely experienced by other service-learning initiatives.

"Reaching Out While Reaching In: Academic Service Learning (ASL) Initiatives in Rural Communities," by David Bonsall (Center for Student Enrichment), Charles Ganzert (CAPS), Katherine Stelmaszek (Center for Student Enrichment) and Nicholas Holton of Kirtland Community College. This panel featured a discussion of the unique challenges of the rural ASL environment and examples of how faculty, students and community partners can marshal their resources to aid rural communities during a time of limited economic resources.

"Growing Service Learning From Several Different Directions: A Synergistic Approach," by Bonsall, Ganzert, Paul Duby (Institutional Research) and Stelmaszek. The panel presented a lively discussion and examples of specific initiatives that encourage the growth of service learning. While faculty will always be a focal point for expanding service learning, giving voice to the interest and needs of students and community members and creating a campus culture that encourages and recognizes civic engagement will help move the agenda forward.

"Young Wildcat Scholars: Engaging Middle School Students with an Early College Experience," by Joe Lubig and Derek Anderson (Education). This session demonstrated a Michigan Campus Compact model for engaging middle school students, parents and teachers with an authentic three-day university campus/community experience. The model will address faculty and university student recruitment to serve as role models of healthy academic, social and physical college lifestyles for middle school students.

"Michigan Iron Industry Museum Study Trip Lessons," by Anderson. This session described how NMU students designed interactive lessons for visitors to the Michigan Iron Industry Museum. All lessons related directly to the Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations for Social Studies.

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Updated: February 17, 2010

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