Board Approves Capital Outlay Request

The NMU Board of Trustees approved a 2008-09 capital outlay project request and rolling five-year capital outlay facilities plan. Universities are required to submit both to the state on an annual basis.


The four priority capital outlay projects, in descending order, are: a bio-mass fueled combined heat and power cogeneration plant, with an estimated cost of $55 million; renovations to Cohodas Hall, $17 million; an academic facilities upgrade project involving Forest Roberts Theatre, the McClintock Building, Jamrich Hall and the Physical Education Instructional Facility (PEIF), $13 million; and renovations and an addition to the Learning Resources Center, $61 million.


NMU administrators have begun drafting an operating budget request for fiscal year 2009. A final version will be presented to the board at its December meeting.

"This is the first step in the annual budget process to give universities and the state a starting point for discussion," said Gavin Leach (Finance and Administration).

The board approved an executive committee recommendation that NMU President Les Wong receive an incentive of $8,000 for having achieved previously defined goals. The terms of Wong’s contract made him eligible for an incentive of up to $10,000 this year. Trustees also accepted the 2007-08 presidential goals, which focus on the curriculum for the 21st century and internationalization, enrollment and retention and revenue enhancement.


Chair Sam Benedict said the committee is using a new “presidential competencies” assessment tool that addresses leadership, business/management and interpersonal skills, as well as personal attributes. He said most comments were favorable. The committee would like to see Wong establish a more formalized strategic direction for the university – a “five-year type of plan” similar to what’s done for the physical campus – and also embrace a “driving for results institutional and attitudinal approach that would help things happen more quickly and more responsively.”


In other action, the board:


•Elected new officers for the 2008 calendar year. Mary Lukens of Ann Arbor will serve as chair of the board and Doug Roberts of East Lansing will serve as vice chair

•Accepted more than $500 in gifts and nearly $2.8 million in external grants


•Agreed to change the name of the International Affairs Office to the Office of International Programs


Copyright by the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University, 1401 Presque Isle Ave, Marquette, MI 49855 1-800-682-9797
Northern Michigan University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
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Updated: September 28, 2007

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