
Stephen Burn (English) published a review of Suzanne Nalbantian’s Memory in Literature in James Joyce Quarterly. He also had a review of Jeremy Green’s Late Postmodernism published in Modern Fiction Studies.


Aimee Cree Dunn (English) had an article titled “Making the Connection: Bears, Dams, Mines and Powerlines in Wisconsin and the U.P.” published in the Northwoods Wilderness Recovery online newspage.


Peter Goodrich (English) authored an article titled “Ritual Sacrifice and the PreChristian Subtext of Gawain’s Green Girdle” that was published in Sir Gawain and the Classic Tradition: Essays on the Ancient Antecedents.


Jennifer Howard (English) had an essay titled “This is Not Survival Skills” published in the spring issue of Redivider.


James Schiffer (English) had a review of Shakespeare’s Sonnets by Paul Edmundson and Stanley Wells appear in the Winter 2005 issue of Shakespeare Quarterly. He also wrote an article titled “Honey Words: A Lover’s Complaint and the Fine Art of Seduction” that was published in Critical Essays on Shakespeare’s A Lover’s Complaint: Suffering Ecstasy.


NMU master’s candidate Kyle Flak had a poem titled “Cincinnati” appear in the summer issue of Glassfire Magazine, and NMU master’s recipient Elisa Neckar had her nonfiction piece titled “My Life as a Superhero” published in the May issue of The Offbeat, Michigan State University’s literary journal.


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Updated: July 19, 2006

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