Addendum #5




Board of Trustees Room, 602 Cohodas Administrative Center

October 5, 2006, 4:30 P.M.


Members Present:      Ms. Mary C. Lukens, Chair, Mr. Brian Cloyd, Mr. Larry Inman, Mr. Jon LaSalle,

Dr. Douglas Roberts, Mr. Karl Weber, Dr. Fred Joyal, Dr. Les Wong, ex officio


Guests:                        Dr. M. Cameron Howes, Dr. Paul Lang, Prof. Lucille Contois, Dr. Larry Pagel,

Prof. Sandra Poindexter, Prof. Raymond Amtmann, Dr. James Strain, Prof. Teresa Delpier


The Academic Affairs Committee meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m.


New Programs for 2006-07

Dr. Fred Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dr. M. Cameron Howes, Dean, College of Professional Studies updated the Committee on the development of new programs.


Dr. Paul Lang, Interim Associate Dean, School of Technology and Applied Sciences gave a presentation entitled “Passport to Higher Education in the Loss Prevention Industry.”  This on-line program is being developed with executives from the National Retail Federation.


Professor Lucille Contois, Director of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Head of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences presented two new programs that are being developed; Radiography and Respiratory Therapy.  These programs are a collaborative effort between Northern Michigan University and Marquette General Hospital.


Academic Senate Update

Dr. Larry Pagel, Chair of the Academic Senate, briefed the Committee on the function and responsibility of the Academic Senate and its subcommittees and answered questions regarding process.


Charter School Board Approvals

Dr. Fred Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented a proposed list of new and renewed board members for Bahweting Anishnabe Charter School Academy, the Burton Glen Academy, and the North Star Public School Academy for approval.  After motion duly made and seconded the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the approval of the list of board members.  This motion requires action. 


After motion duly made and seconded the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the approval of the list of board members from the Nah Tah Wahsh Public School Academy contingent upon confirming the legality of tribal members serving on the Board.  This motion requires action.


Faculty Presentations

Professors Sandra Poindexter and Raymond Amtmann, College of Business, gave a presentation “Capitalizing on International Academic Partnerships.”  The presentation involved using the Internet to connect business students across international borders through collaborative assignments.


Dr. James Strain, Associate Professor of Music, gave a presentation “A Musical Journey through Technology.”  This presentation highlighted faculty and student use of interactive software, WebCT and video streaming.


Professor Teresa Delpier, School of Nursing, presented “SimBaby (Laerdal).”  SimBaby is a portable advanced infant simulator used to simulate critical care situations.


Good of the Order



Ms. Lukens thanked the Committee, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.