Addendum #2


Board of Trustees

Academic Affairs Committee

April 30, 2009



Members Present:  Mr. Jon LaSalle, Chair, Mr. Stephen Adamini, Mr. Brian Cloyd, Dr. L. Garnet Lewis, Dr. Douglas Roberts, Dr. H. Sook Wilkinson, Mr. Gil Ziegler, Dr. Susan Koch, Dr. Les Wong, ex officio


The Academic Affairs Committee meeting was called to order at 2:45 p.m.


Academic Senate Update

Dr. Andrew Poe, Chair of the Academic Senate provided a summary of Senate Committee work.


Charter School Board Approvals

Mr. William Pistulka, Charter Schools Officer presented a proposed list of board member appointments and renewals for the Bahweting Charter School Academy, Burton Glen Charter School Academy, Nah Tah Wahsh Charter School, North Star Public School Academy, and Walton Charter School Academy


The motion duly made and seconded the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the approval of the list of board members.  This motion is part of the formal recommendations.


Charter School Procedure for Public School Academy Board Appointments

Mr. William Pistulka, Charter Schools Officer presented new contract language for the selection, appointment and removal of public school academy board members.


After motion duly made and seconded the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the approval of the new Public School Academy Board of Directors contract language.  This motion is part of the formal recommendations.


Charter School Contract Reauthorization/Expansion:  North Star Public School Academy

Mr. William Pistulka, Charter Schools Officer presented a proposal for approval to reauthorize the charter for North Star Public School Academy for a five-year period July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2014 and to expand the charter to include Kindergarten (Young 5) through fifth grade.


After motion duly made and seconded the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the approval of the charter reauthorization and expansion to include Kindergarten (Young 5) through fifth grade.  This motion is part of the formal recommendations.


New Program – Post Master’s Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate

Dr. Susan Koch, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented a proposal for a new Post Master’s Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program.







After motion duly made and seconded the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the approval of this program.  This motion is part of the formal recommendations.


Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences Name Change

Dr. Susan Koch, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented a proposal to change the name of the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Department to the Department of Clinical Sciences. 


After motion duly made and seconded the Committee recommends to the Board of Trustees the approval of the departmental name change.  This motion is part of the formal recommendations.


Honors Program Update

Dr. Michael Broadway, Interim Honors Program Director provided an update on Northern Michigan University’s Honors Program.  In addition, three Honors students (Rachel Hovel, Anne Winiarski, and Kirstin Meyer) discussed their experiences in the program.


Student Learning Outcomes

Dr. Cynthia Prosen, Associate Provost & Dean of Graduate Studies provided the Committee with an overview and update on student learning outcomes. 


Roadmap Update

Dr. Susan Koch discussed the ongoing progress in the Academic Affairs Division related to the four priorities identified in the Roadmap to 2015.  Special recognition was given to Dr. Carol Steinhaus for her leadership in Academic Service Learning.


Good of the Order

Dr. Susan Koch announced that NMU recently hosted 24 teams at the 10th annual NMU Invitational Programming Contest.   


Dr. Susan Koch updated the Committee on the School of Education’s TEAC accreditation.  A TEAC accreditation team visited NMU on April 6-7, 2009 and a final decision is expected in August.



Mr. LaSalle thanked the Committee and the meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.