Video 1: 

Hey, Wildcats! Thanks so much for checking this out and giving us your feedback as we’re planning the future of NMU.  

My name is Jason Nicholas and I’m the Assistant Provost and Director for Institutional Effectiveness [I.E.]. Our office coordinates strategic planning efforts here at NMU and you can go to the IE website and click on "Strategic Planning" to learn more.  

A little background on planning efforts so far this academic year: In the fall semester we ran both a community survey and held the Community Visioning dinner, and based on our conversations with community stakeholders, and over 3,000 comments so far, we’ve come up with preliminary themes offering insights about NMU’s purpose and where we should be heading in the future. 

Now we want to bring the conversation onto campus and find out what you think. We’re asking that you take a look at these themes and think about what they mean to you. We want your big picture thoughts, as well as any practical considerations you may see based on your role here at NMU. Whether you are a student, a faculty member, or staff member, your voice matters. 

Go ahead and click “next” to go on to the first set of questions.


Video 2: 

In this question, we want you to spend a minute or two browsing through the themes below and let us know what you think.  While none of these themes are particularly new, how we talk about them helps to express who we are, as well as who we serve.  Are these themes the right building blocks as we refresh the University’s mission statement? 

We’ll ask about vision and future-oriented questions in the next section, but for now:  Take a look at the list of 10 themes below, and when you're ready, answer the following questions in the text boxes provided.  Which of the Mission Themes resonate with you the most and why?  Are there any big-picture themes missing when thinking about NMU’s purpose?  Tell us a little bit more about what you’re thinking. 


Image Description:

Green background; White title banner and 11 white boxes arranged symmetrically with black text on each.

NMU Mission Themes.

Academic Excellence and Real-World Learning:  A quality education with emphasis on critical thinking, hands-on learning, and practical skills for future careers

Affordability and Accessibility:  An affordable educational experience, accessible to a broad range of students

Campus Culture and Experience:  A small campus that supports meaningful connections between students, faculty, and local community

Community Engagement and Service:  Lasting community connections within the university and across the Upper Peninsula

Innovation and Creativity:  A culture of creativity, forward-thinking, and entrepreneurial spirit

Development, Exploration, and Lifelong Learning:  Ongoing opportunities for continuous learning and personal development

Diversity and Inclusivity:  A commitment to ensuring a welcoming and community-oriented atmosphere

Safety and Wellbeing:  A safe and healthy environment for all members of the campus and university community

Student Support and Success:  A comprehensive support system to help students achieve academic and personal success

Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility:  Dedicated to improving sustainability and environmental stewardship


Video 3: 

So now, let’s look into the future of NMU.  None of us have a crystal ball, but we ask you to use your imagination to picture NMU in 5 or 10 or even 15 years.  What have we become?  What have we accomplished?  What investment areas or priorities helped us to build a better future? 

Consider the following community-generated vision themes.  These themes are a bit more specific, but point to big-picture changes that could help to shape NMU for years to come.  Which of these Vision Themes jump out at you as exciting opportunities for the university to achieve or become?  Why are these exciting for you?  Take a look at the questions below and provide your answers in the text box.  Do any of the Vision Themes seem like they might be too challenging, a bit of a stretch, or not a good fit for us?  Give us some thoughts about why you feel the way you do.  Are there practical considerations you think we should be keeping in mind?  

Once you're done, click "next."


Image Description: 

Yellow background; White title banner and 9 white boxes arranged symmetrically with black text on each.

NMU Vision Themes.

Academic Excellence and Innovation:  How might NMU creatively transform learning through innovations in curriculum, research, and faculty development?

Hands-On Learning and Real-World Experiences:  What new experiential and applied learning experiences could NMU provide in the coming decade for students, faculty, staff and community members?

Campus Modernization:  How could state-of-the-art facilities, technologies, and programs inspire new possibilities for teaching and learning?

Diversity and Inclusion:  What might NMU do to make its campus a place where people of all backgrounds feel welcomed, included, and able to thrive?

Engagement and Partnerships - Campus, Community, Economic:  What innovative partnerships could NMU build to create experiential learning and career opportunities that serve both students and the region?

Affordability and Access:  How might NMU imagine becoming even more affordable and accessible, opening its transformative educational experiences to students from all backgrounds?

Student Support and Success:  How might NMU cultivate a stronger culture of connection to support students’ wellbeing, fulfillment and achievement?

Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship:  How could NMU envision itself as a model green campus where sustainability is fully integrated into all aspects of campus life?


Video 4:

Finally, as we close, please share anything you think we should be considering as we continue working on the next strategic plan.  We welcome your insights and ideas!  How can NMU become even better in the future?  As for the rest of the semester, watch for opportunities to continue to participate.  We’ll be taking all of your feedback here and coming up with even better themes that will become first drafts of the mission as well as our future vision and strategic plan.  

Thanks for participating!