




Minutes of the Meeting of

Friday, February 11, 2005



A teleconference meeting of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University was held on Friday, February 11, 2005, in the Board of Trustees Meeting Room, 602 Cohodas Administrative Center, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan.  The meeting was convened at 10:04 a.m. by Chair Karl Weber.


Trustees present included:         Karl A. Weber, Chair

                                                Larry C. Inman, Vice Chair (via conference call)

                                                Alan T. Ackerman (via conference call)

                                                Samuel S. Benedict (via conference call)

                                                Brian D. Cloyd (joined conference call at 10:12 a.m.)

                                                Jon G. LaSalle

                                                Mary C. Lukens (via conference call)

                                                Douglas B. Roberts (via conference call)

                                                Leslie E. Wong (ex officio).


Senior staff and Counsel present included:


            Alfred N. Joyal, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

            Michael J. Roy, Vice President for Finance & Administration and Treasurer of the Board

            Pamalene R. Grundstrom, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary of the Board

            R. Gavin Leach, Associate Vice President for Finance and Planning

            David S. Haynes, University Lobbyist

            Thomas P. Hustoles, University Legal Counsel (via conference call)





            Chair Karl Weber recommended the following Revised Standing Committees for the 2005 calendar year:


            Academic Affairs                  Finance                                 Executive


            Mary C. Lukens, Chair        Douglas B. Roberts, Chair   Samuel S. Benedict, Chair

            Brian D. Cloyd                      Alan T. Ackerman                Larry C. Inman

            Larry C. Inman                     Samuel S. Benedict               Mary C. Lukens

            Jon G. LaSalle                      Larry C. Inman                     Karl A. Weber, ex officio

            Karl A. Weber, ex officio     Karl A. Weber, ex officio     Leslie E. Wong, ex officio

            Leslie E. Wong, ex officio    Leslie E. Wong, ex officio    Douglas B. Roberts, alternate 


            It was moved by Mr. Inman, seconded by Mr. Benedict, and supported unanimously to approve the above recommended Revised Standing Committees for the 2005 calendar year.




Dr. Roy presented the following recommendation for Board action.  Discussion followed regarding the potential for cost savings.  Mr. Benedict suggested that the Board receive an annual report on estimated savings realized through membership in the coalition. 




            The resolution of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University authorizing the Vice President for Finance and Administration to approve Northern Michigan University's membership in the Michigan Universities Coalition on Health, Inc. (MUCH), be approved. 




The Vice President for Finance and Administration to approve Northern Michigan University’s membership in the Michigan Universities Coalition on Health, Inc. (MUCH), a Michigan nonprofit membership corporation, organized to support the purposes and activities of Michigan public institutions of higher learning.


This authorization includes:


Authority to sign any amendment to MUCH articles of incorporation and bylaws on behalf of the University, approve contractual and purchasing agreements, appoint, reappoint, and revoke the respective appointments of the University’s primary and alternate representatives on the MUCH board of directors, and the University’s representative at meetings of the members of MUCH.


            It was moved by Ms. Lukens, seconded by Mr. Benedict and supported unanimously to approve the above Resolution.





Mr. Gavin Leach presented an update on the University's computer operating system, Banner (Addendum #1).  He reviewed the goals, implementation timeline, and cost, noting that funding is provided through subsequent savings.  He discussed the magnitude of the conversion and noted where difficulties have occurred, where issues are still outstanding, and how we are addressing those issues.  He concluded with a review of the positive aspects of Banner and the long-term goals for the system.  Discussion followed and Mr. Leach and Dr. Roy responded to questions and comments from Trustees.





President Wong, Vice President Roy, and Mr. Leach presented a budget update (Addendum #1).  Mr. Leach reviewed the current NMU budget and projected expenditure increases for fiscal year 2006.  President Wong reviewed the process for developing the FY2006 budget, noting that input will be accepted from throughout the campus.  Mr. Leach then reviewed data on how NMU compares to our peer institutions in several areas.  Discussion followed and Dr. Roy responded to questions and comments from Trustees.  Dr. Roy agreed to provide data on how NMU compares to peers on square footage per FYES and on the reduction in NMU's expenditures for public service.  Mr. Leach concluded with a summary of take home points regarding the budget. 





President Wong and Mr. David Haynes presented a legislative update (Addendum #1).  Mr. Haynes reviewed the State's financial timeline, noting that the budget may not be finalized until well into the summer or fall.  President Wong reviewed the projected impact on NMU of the Governor's FY2005 Executive Order and FY2006 Executive Budget.  Discussion followed and President Wong and Mr. Haynes responded to questions and comments from Trustees. 





President Wong gave a brief enrollment update, indicating that we remain in a strong position to meet our targets.  The series of "Connect to NMU" recruitment programs is underway and participation levels by prospective students and parents are very encouraging.  The fall to winter retention numbers are good and winter enrollment numbers are up from last year.  He said we are also investigating opportunities to expand our outreach by linking with countries around the world, including China, Sweden, and Mexico through educational, technological, and corporate connections. 


Chair Weber welcomed new Trustees Jack LaSalle and Brian Cloyd to the Board. 


Mr. Benedict asked where we are on the public broadcasting report for the May 2005 Board meeting.  President Wong said the staff is looking at ways to increase fund raising, to sustain high quality programming, to build strong inroads to academic units, and to respond to technology funding concerns.  Mr. Benedict said at the last Board meeting we focused on funding for new technology which is only an issue if the station is to be shut down and is not a concern for several years.  He said he is interested in refining the justification on an educational basis for keeping the station.  If we know we're going to keep the station, the technology funding is not a problem.  What we need to figure out is if it is a viable piece of the educational experience at Northern that we want to continue to support at some level.  That is the main question.  President Wong agreed. 





Chair Weber adjourned the meeting at 12:00 noon.


Respectfully submitted,




Pamalene R. Grundstrom, Secretary of the BoardHolman