



Minutes of the Special Session


Friday, June 13, 2014


A special session of the Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University was held on Friday, June 13, 2014, in the Marquette/Nicolet/Cadillac Rooms of the University Center, at Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan.  The session was convened at 1:33 p.m. by Chair Richard M. Popp.


Trustees present included:

      Richard M. Popp, Chair   L. Garnet Lewis (via telephone for Agenda Items #1 and 2)

Stephen F. Adamini         Steven M. Mitchell               Gilbert L.  Ziegler

      Scott L. Holman               H. Sook Wilkinson               Thomas H. Zurbuchen (via telephone)

      David S. Haynes (ex officio)      


Senior staff and counsel present included:

      Kurt McCamman, Legal Counsel

      Martha B. Haynes, Vice President for Advancement

Paul L. Lang, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

R. Gavin Leach, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer of the Board

Steven Neiheisel, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Services

Theresa Nease, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary of the Board





Vice President Leach presented on the analysis of the key factors that go into the tuition setting process. 


It was moved by Trustee Holman and seconded by Trustee Mitchell to increase tuition by 3.2% for Fiscal Year 2014-15, including the following:


A.    To increase the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Board approved tuition and fee rates as follows:   

a.     Resident undergraduate tuition rate by $138 per semester

b.     University fee by $5 per semester

c.      Student activity fee by $0.16 per semester

d.     Non-resident undergraduate tuition rate by $216 per semester

e.     Resident graduate tuition by $14 per credit hour

f.      Non-resident graduate tuition by $20 per credit hour

g.     No increase in the MBA graduate tuition rate

B.    To institute a differential tuition rate of $35 per credit hour for:

a.     300 and 400 level courses in Business

b.     300 and 400 level courses in Clinical Laboratory Sciences

c.      200 through 400 level courses in Nursing

C.    Remove the following course fees:

a.     Nursing program fee of $75 per semester

b.     Clinical Laboratory Sciences fee of $25 per lab 


Trustee Adamini stated although he is prepared to vote for an increase in tuition, he believes the enrollment situation is very fluid and he wants to make sure the Board has as up-to-date information as possible in making the decision and because the new president is not able to participate in the discussions today, he believes the vote on tuition should be made at the July meeting.  Trustee Holman stated that the Board decided at the May meeting to have this special meeting in June to vote on tuition to assist the recruitment process as prospective students will know the cost of coming to NMU at an earlier date.  Other Board members concurred.  Trustee Popp said President Haynes has briefed President-elect Erickson, and President-elect Erickson is very supportive of the analysis from the team and in what President Haynes and his team and the Board would act upon today. 


It was moved by Trustee Adamini and seconded by Trustee Ziegler to postpone consideration of the motion until the July NMU Board meeting.  The motion failed.


Discussion followed on the main motion to increase tuition by 3.2%. 


On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:


                                         Aye                                                Nay

Stephen F. Adamini

Scott L. Holman

L. Garnet Lewis

Steven M. Mitchell

Richard M. Popp

H. Sook Wilkinson

Gilbert L. Ziegler

Thomas Zurbuchen


The motion was thus approved with six (6) for the motion and two (2) against.


Trustee Adamini said his “no” vote is not because he doesn’t support the tuition increase, it is reflective of the fact that he views this as a premature vote.






Trustee Popp, Acting Chair of the Executive Committee, reported on the meeting held on Friday, June 14, 2014. (Addendum #1)


The Board took the following actions:


It was moved by Trustee Popp and seconded by Trustee Wilkinson and unanimously supported by the Board to grant Trustee Emeritus status to Mr. Brian Cloyd and Mr. Jack LaSalle.


Chair Popp read a resolution honoring Ms. Theresa Nease, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees, for her service to NMU for the past 33 years.  Ms. Nease will be retiring effective July 1, 2014.  She was presented with the resolution, a plaque, flowers and a gift.  Photos were taken.





Trustee Wilkinson moved that the proposed contract for President-elect Dr. Fritz Erickson effective July 1, 2014, be approved and that Chair Rick Popp be authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the Board of Trustees. It was supported by Trustee Holman. On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:


     Aye                                    Nay

Stephen F. Adamini

Scott L. Holman

Steven M. Mitchell

Richard M. Popp

H. Sook Wilkinson

Gilbert L. Ziegler

Thomas Zurbuchen


The motion was thus approved with seven (7) for the motion and zero (0) against.


The contract will be sent to Dr. Erickson for signature.  Once the contract is fully executed, it will be made public.





Trustee Mitchell reported on a recent meeting of the Academic Affairs Committee (Addendum #2).  The following action was taken:


It was moved by Trustee Zurbuchen, seconded by Trustee Wilkinson and supported by the Board of Trustees to adopt the resolution to grant a one-year renewal to North Star Academy.

(Addendum #3)





       It was moved by Trustee Holman, seconded by Trustee Wilkinson and supported by the Board of Trustees to approve the Formal Recommendations.




Trustee Adamini moved that the Board of Trustees go into informal session to to consider a privileged communication from legal counsel.  It was supported by Trustee Ziegler.  On a roll-call vote, the Board voted as follows:


     Aye                                    Nay

Stephen F. Adamini

Scott L. Holman

Steven M. Mitchell

Richard M. Popp

H. Sook Wilkinson

Gilbert L. Ziegler

Thomas Zurbuchen


The motion was thus approved with seven (7)  for the motion and zero (0) against.


The Board recessed for an Informal (Closed) Session at 2:27 p.m.


The Board reconvened at 2:34 p.m.





It was moved by Trustee Adamini, seconded by Trustee Holman and unanimously supported by the Board of Trustees to adjourn.



Chair Popp adjourned the meeting at 2:35 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,





Theresa M. Nease

Secretary of the Board