Supporting Community Needs


Employee financial support also extends beyond campus to the broader community in which we reside. Dave Bonsall (Center for Student Enrichment) has been donating to the United Way of Marquette County for an estimated 25 years.


“I got started through the workplace campaign at NMU,” he said. “Dick Harbick, who was the former NMU Bookstore manager, was the coordinator of the campus campaign. I began donating while he was here and eventually went on to serve as a coordinator myself."

“I just think that being part of a community means giving back what you can and a true community takes care of people who need a hand. There are so many service areas that the United Way of Marquette County funds. Every year, it helps to figure out which agencies need help and provides a system for getting the funding to them. If employees at Northern, which is one of the largest employers in the county, all catch the spirit and agree this is something we should be part of, that would go a long way.”


Bonsall has designated his support to the “basic needs” category because of his personal involvement arranging volunteers through his church for the Room at the Inn homeless shelter.


“It’s nice to give a general contribution and let the local United Way determine where it’s most needed. But it’s also nice to be able to designate when there’s a cause you’re personally involved in and you know there is a need.


In addition to basic needs such as food and housing, other categories include youth programs, medical assistance and health care, and services for elderly citizens and adults with disabilities. The NMU campaign has raised about $26,800, which is 76 percent of the $35,000 goal. For more information or to contribute, contact Julane Cappo at or Kathy Maki at



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Updated: December 1, 2011

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